Thursday, May 5, 2011

Yard Work

I did some yard work today, mainly weeding and trimming heath bushes, since the weather has been so nice and not too chilly. The temperature has been in the mid 50s F (10 C) during the day. I've also halfway cleared a spot for the boys to plant their flower seeds since they've been asking for it for weeks now. By the way, those seeds have already expired  last year - according to the date on the box. So that makes me wonder if they will ever grow?  It was not a surprise when right after the boys got down from their school bus and saw me standing with a shovel in my hand, the first thing they asked me was "Can we plant our seeds today?" But we didn't, not today anyway. The boys got sidetracked with their bikes and soccer ball and I still think the spot needs a little bit more TLC before we finally put the seeds in the soil. And hopefully they'll grow. The last time I tried, they didn't.

The kids in their helping mode, which lasted for an hour before their attention span was short lived by bikes and balls.

The trimmed heath bushes. Should have done this in fall instead of spring. 

Do you know that the Rhododendron is Washington state flower? I just knew about it a few secs ago while googling for the right spelling for it.

 Our front yard with Ezzat in the picture.


  1. Of course I once again loved your photos :))
    The Rhododendrons are beautiful!!
    Lots of spring work to do in your garden... but good work in this time of the year I think. The boys wanting to have their own spot makes me think back of the times in my own childhood. I did plant a lot as well. Loved doing it at that time. It's very exciting for kids to see when and what will come up. Hope they will see some result soon.

  2. wei kakak .. gigi anak hang pasepa cam tu wei?

  3. Hi Marcelle!

    I love gardening! All the flowers - the colors, so pretty! There are more choices here to choose from compared to plants in Malaysia considering it can be pretty hot over there. I hope to plant some herbs after this.

  4. Abang, gigi depa semua naik tunggang langgang. Kena pakai braces la in the future.
