Thursday, May 26, 2011

Munie, ni untuk hang!

My friend Munie texted me early this morning while I was in the middle of baking some cupcakes. I woke up at 4.30am, showered, did my Subuh and then off to the kitchen. Subuh is starting to get so much earlier  now that Summer is closer. Isyak pulak punya la lambat. Nak pukul 11 malam baru la masuk Isyak. Pasang alarm pepagi nak bangun, asyik dok tekan snooze sentiasa. Anyway, I volunteered to make some dessert for the Dessert day in conjunction with Staff Appreciation week at the boys' school this week. Yesterday I made some pasta for the Staff Luncheon since they had an Italian theme. Whether it had an authentic Italian taste, I had no idea. But I'm glad to make some for you. Just come over! Nak volunteer duduk kat sekolah lama2 malas, so kira masak pun boleh lah asaikan nampak muka kat sekolah tu once in awhile ye dak. Cek Munie, hang tengok gambaq dulu, bila aku balik Kedah, aku masak untuk hang no. Miss u!

Today's weather is absolutely gorgeous. And I'm going to do some gardening in a little while. That is after I'm done with updating this poor unattended blog. I feel like it's almost a sin to just stay inside the house and not spending some time outside enjoying the RARE dry breezy sunny weather. Can you picture it now that I give you all the words that I can think of at the moment to describe how great it is outside the house? :-)  Perhaps some pictures will help.


  1. Oooooh those cupcakes look so yummie :)
    You really have some talent there. So I guess the pasta was good too ;)
    I can imagine you have to get up earlier and earlier now. Do you wake up easily in the mornings? Are you a natural morning person?
    Enjoy the lovely weather and the outdoors though... it looks great :)
    Have a good weekend!

  2. Hi Marcelle! I do consider myself as a morning person. There's a different feeling to it to wake up really early in the morning and to be able to accomplish more stuff that I want to do with the extra time. Although I have to admit once in a while I do sleep in during the weekend after the morning prayer. It's like a treat after a long week. How about you?

  3. Tq nadee... mmg comei sungguh cupcakes hang tu ..nyum..nyum ... garden hang pun cantik ..I likeee!!!!

  4. Kak cuba buat masak melayu tengok bagi kat depa haha asyik omputehhh ja hihihihi. Bagi tekejut sambai ka apa ka haha

  5. follow my blog :)

  6. omg love your blog.the scenic photo
    and the FOOD!

    im gonna follow......
