Sunday, September 18, 2011

Goodies from Farmer Gregory

After a full week of glorious sunny weather, the temperature just dropped drastically this week to the low 50s F! Even the leaves on some trees started turning brown! Last year, the leaves weren't turning until October. What a weird weather! I wonder if I should just harvest all the leaves from our herb planters. Speaking of harvesting, we got a lot of produce this week from our local farmer, Paul Gregory. I wasn't sure if we were going to renew our CSA for next year, but after all the goodies we got this week, I'm thinking we should renew after all :-)

Green beans, nectarines and red plums that are to die for (they are super sweet and juicy!), tomatoes, pears, mixed greens (kale & swiss chards) and peaches

Red and green apples, blueberries, italian prunes, zucchinis and cucumbers (not in the picture)

1 comment:

  1. I love love the photos of all your veggies and fruits!! And it so looks like when I'm coming home from dad's with all the goodies from his veggie garden. We live in an apartment right in the city so the best I can do is a little herb garden but he has so many lovely veggies. I love fresh food like that! So you do have something like a vegetable/fruit contract? We can do that here as well, never did it because our lives are too hectic and unstructured for that but it sounds like a great idea!
