Friday, September 17, 2010

Is It Fall Yet?

The idea of experiencing Fall for the first time is intriguing to me. I love fall colors, the nostalgic look of it, the changing color of the leaves, the cooler weather, the crisp crunch sound of leaves under my steps - well basically everything that I've seen or heard on the idiot box. Not that it's not cold here, it is - just that I couldn't tell the difference yet between summer and fall. Everything looks so green, and wet, or wetter or wettest between the days. I'm not complaining, seriously I love it, mainly due to my plants which are still adjusting to their new home. It's just that I'm hoping to see some splash of orange, brown, peach and golden colorings here and there. Just like some icing on a cupcake, that would be nice. 

They're all soaked


  1. Amboi gambaq kak makin cantik aih haha. Anyway my new blog:

  2. ohh tankiu tankiu..haha..tapi ngan abang najib still tak leh lawan la

  3. Adik, kakak tak leh comment ka kat adik punya blog? boleh likes saja ka?

  4. Tetiba rasa sangat rindu nak pi sana balik aih..kena simpan duit la cam nie.. tunggu kedatangan ina yang entah bila..hehee...

  5. Oh tu tumblr tu dia entah adik pon tak reti nak tweak the html untuk boh comment box ka apa. Tapi memang kalo org yang ada tumblr baru boleh komen huhu payah. Tapi in other sense senang! Oh pehtu ada kat tepi tu ask me questions tu, kak leh ja tinggai komen kat situ instead. huhu

  6. Eina,kak nadiah tunggu Eina mai ni tau

  7. I so love your photos! Especially the last one with the leaf in the puddle... so well captured! You are awesome :).
    Wishing you great Fall fun :). It must be amazing to see all those lovely colours there! Keep sharing the pics please!
